
state:Victoria, lga:Yarra, lgavic:Yarra, beds:3, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, baths:2, suburb:Collingwood, suburbvic:Collingwood, regionvic:North, regionvic:North 0-5km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, created:2023Q3, baths:To Be Confirmed, residences:1-19, beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, carspaces:0, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, amenities:Terrace (Outdoor), features:City Views, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:20-29, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, uiux:GSv8, built:2028, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted Townly state:Victoria, lga:Yarra, lgavic:Yarra, beds:3, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, baths:2, suburb:Collingwood, suburbvic:Collingwood, regionvic:North, regionvic:North 0-5km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, created:2023Q3, baths:To Be Confirmed, residences:1-19, beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, carspaces:0, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, amenities:Terrace (Outdoor), features:City Views, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:20-29, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, uiux:GSv8, built:2028, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted Townly

21-53 Hoddle Street

21-53 Hoddle Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

2 and 3 Bedroom Townhouses. 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, state:Victoria, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, baths:1, carspaces:1, suburb:St Kilda East, suburbvic:St Kilda East, lga:Glen Eira, lgavic:Glen Eira, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 5-10km, regionvic:CBD 5-10km, created:2023Q3, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, beds:2, baths:2, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:3, baths:2.5, baths:1.5, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, amenities:Resident's Garden, features:Park Views, walkscore:81-90, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:1-4, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses Townly lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, state:Victoria, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, baths:1, carspaces:1, suburb:St Kilda East, suburbvic:St Kilda East, lga:Glen Eira, lgavic:Glen Eira, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 5-10km, regionvic:CBD 5-10km, created:2023Q3, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, beds:2, baths:2, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:3, baths:2.5, baths:1.5, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, amenities:Resident's Garden, features:Park Views, walkscore:81-90, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:1-4, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses Townly

97 Alma Road

97 Alma Road, St Kilda East, VIC 3183

3 Bedroom Townhouses. 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, state:Victoria, beds:3, baths:2, carspaces:2, beds:2, features:City Views, suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, baths:1, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, created:2023Q3, image:Render, privacy:Public, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, salesstatus:Pre Sales, propertytype:Apartments, beds:1, built:2024, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, features:Park Views, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:5-9, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salestype:Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, features:Studio, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Townly lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, state:Victoria, beds:3, baths:2, carspaces:2, beds:2, features:City Views, suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, baths:1, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, created:2023Q3, image:Render, privacy:Public, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, salesstatus:Pre Sales, propertytype:Apartments, beds:1, built:2024, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, features:Park Views, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:5-9, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salestype:Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, features:Studio, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Townly

77 Park

77 Park Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

Townhouses Available. 1 Studio, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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state:Victoria, lga:Maroondah, lgavic:Maroondah, suburb:Ringwood, suburbvic:Ringwood, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, carspaces:2, walkscore:91-100, amenities:Lounge Area, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 20-30km, regionvic:CBD 20-30km, created:2023Q1, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, residences:1-19, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, projectstatus:9 Abandoned, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Apartments, built:Not Applicable, modified:2025Q1 Townly state:Victoria, lga:Maroondah, lgavic:Maroondah, suburb:Ringwood, suburbvic:Ringwood, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, carspaces:2, walkscore:91-100, amenities:Lounge Area, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 20-30km, regionvic:CBD 20-30km, created:2023Q1, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, residences:1-19, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, projectstatus:9 Abandoned, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Apartments, built:Not Applicable, modified:2025Q1 Townly

93-97 Maroondah Highway

93-97 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, VIC 3134

1 and 2 Bedroom Townhouses. 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments.

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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The Bangs Street Estate

1-21 Bangs Street, Prahran, VIC 3181

Townhouses and Apartments Available

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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suburb:Flemington, suburbvic:Flemington, lga:Moonee Valley, lgavic:Moonee Valley, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, state:Victoria, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, walkscore:81-90, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, uiux:GSv8, created:2023Q1, modified:2025Q1, regionvic:North, regionvic:West, regionvic:North 5-10km, regionvic:West 5-10km, regionvic:CBD 5-10km, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, residences:300+, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:20-29, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses Townly suburb:Flemington, suburbvic:Flemington, lga:Moonee Valley, lgavic:Moonee Valley, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, state:Victoria, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, walkscore:81-90, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, uiux:GSv8, created:2023Q1, modified:2025Q1, regionvic:North, regionvic:West, regionvic:North 5-10km, regionvic:West 5-10km, regionvic:CBD 5-10km, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, residences:300+, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:20-29, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Off Market Pre Sales, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Apartments, salestype:Off Market Pre Sales Townhouses Townly

Debneys Precinct - Masterplan

12-71 Holland Court, Flemington, VIC 3031

Townhouses and Apartments Available

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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Ormond Sky Tower

483A North Road, Ormond, VIC 3204

Townhouses and Apartments Available

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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state:Victoria, suburb:Williamstown, suburbvic:Williamstown, lgavic:Hobsons Bay, lga:Hobsons Bay, image:Render, privacy:Public, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Garden, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:Bay Views, walkscore:51-60, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 10-20km, regionvic:West, regionvic:West 10-20km, regionvic:CBD 10-20km, created:2022Q4, built:2024, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, features:Water Views, residences:100-199, apartmentstoreys:5-9, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:6 Construction Complete, salesstatus:New, salestype:New Townhouses, salestype:New Apartments Townly state:Victoria, suburb:Williamstown, suburbvic:Williamstown, lgavic:Hobsons Bay, lga:Hobsons Bay, image:Render, privacy:Public, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Garden, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:Bay Views, walkscore:51-60, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 10-20km, regionvic:West, regionvic:West 10-20km, regionvic:CBD 10-20km, created:2022Q4, built:2024, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, features:Water Views, residences:100-199, apartmentstoreys:5-9, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, propertytype:Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:6 Construction Complete, salesstatus:New, salestype:New Townhouses, salestype:New Apartments Townly

Waterline Place - Lots 6 & 7

3-39 Nelson Place, Williamstown, VIC 3016

3 Bedroom Townhouses. 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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state:Victoria, lga:Yarra, lgavic:Yarra, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, suburb:Collingwood, suburbvic:Collingwood, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:North, regionvic:North 0-5km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 0-5 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, created:2022Q4, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q3, built:Not Applicable, projectstatus:8 On Hold, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Apartments Townly state:Victoria, lga:Yarra, lgavic:Yarra, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, suburb:Collingwood, suburbvic:Collingwood, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:North, regionvic:North 0-5km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, features:City Views, features:Park Views, residences:50-99, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 0-5 Mins Walk, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, propertytype:Off Market Townhouses, created:2022Q4, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q3, built:Not Applicable, projectstatus:8 On Hold, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Townhouses, salestype:Off Market Not Applicable Apartments Townly

196-198 Johnston Street

196-198 Johnston Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

3 Bedroom Townhouses. 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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state:Victoria, lga:Glen Eira, lgavic:Glen Eira, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Cinema (Private Indoor), amenities:Gym, amenities:Dining Area, amenities:Library, amenities:Lifestyle Services, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Sauna, amenities:Swimming Pool, amenities:Wellness Center, amenities:Wine Cellar (Private), beds:2, baths:2, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, propertytype:Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, image:Render, privacy:Public, beds:1, baths:1, suburb:Caulfield East, suburbvic:Caulfield East, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 10-20km, regionvic:CBD 10-20km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 10-20km, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, created:2022Q2, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:5-9, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, residences:300+, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Pre Sales, salestype:Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments Townly state:Victoria, lga:Glen Eira, lgavic:Glen Eira, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Cinema (Private Indoor), amenities:Gym, amenities:Dining Area, amenities:Library, amenities:Lifestyle Services, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Sauna, amenities:Swimming Pool, amenities:Wellness Center, amenities:Wine Cellar (Private), beds:2, baths:2, carspaces:1, walkscore:91-100, propertytype:Apartments, propertytype:Townhouses, image:Render, privacy:Public, beds:1, baths:1, suburb:Caulfield East, suburbvic:Caulfield East, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 10-20km, regionvic:CBD 10-20km, regionvic:East, regionvic:East 10-20km, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, created:2022Q2, built:To Be Confirmed, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, apartmentstoreys:5-9, apartmentstoreys:10-19, townhousestoreys:To Be Confirmed, travel:Train 5-10 Mins Walk, residences:300+, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Pre Sales, salestype:Pre Sales Townhouses, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments Townly

Caulfield Village

31 Station Street, Caulfield, VIC 3162

Townhouses and Apartments Available

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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