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3-15 Fitzroy Street

3-15 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, VIC 3182

2, 3, and 4 Bedroom Apartments

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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suburb:Southbank, suburbvic:Southbank, state:Victoria, walkscore:91-100, amenities:Dining Area, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Concierge, amenities:Co-Working spaces, amenities:Function Room, amenities:Meeting Room (Private), beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:City Views, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:Not Applicable, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, created:2021Q4, salesstatus:Not Applicable, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:Abandoned Guest User suburb:Southbank, suburbvic:Southbank, state:Victoria, walkscore:91-100, amenities:Dining Area, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, image:Nearmap, privacy:Private, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Concierge, amenities:Co-Working spaces, amenities:Function Room, amenities:Meeting Room (Private), beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:City Views, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:Not Applicable, beds:To Be Confirmed, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, salesstatus:Off Market Not Applicable, propertytype:Off Market Apartments, created:2021Q4, salesstatus:Not Applicable, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, projectstatus:Abandoned Guest User

207-217 Normanby Road

207-217 Normanby Road, Southbank, VIC 3006

Apartments Available

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, image:Render, privacy:Public, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:2025, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:1, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, amenities:Cinema (Outdoor), amenities:Dining Room (Private), amenities:Rooftop Garden, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, amenities:Swimming Pool, features:City Views, features:Garden Views, features:Park Views, features:Penthouse, features:River Views, features:Water Views, walkscore:81-90, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments, propertytype:Apartments, created:2021Q4, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Guest User suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, image:Render, privacy:Public, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:2025, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, baths:To Be Confirmed, carspaces:1, carspaces:To Be Confirmed, amenities:Cinema (Outdoor), amenities:Dining Room (Private), amenities:Rooftop Garden, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, amenities:Swimming Pool, features:City Views, features:Garden Views, features:Park Views, features:Penthouse, features:River Views, features:Water Views, walkscore:81-90, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments, propertytype:Apartments, created:2021Q4, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Guest User


245-251 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments, and Penthouse Options

Pricing To Be Confirmed

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suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Terrace (Outdoor), beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:City Views, features:Park Views, image:Render, privacy:Public, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Function Room, amenities:Vegetable Garden, amenities:Spa, amenities:Resident's Garden, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, beds:3, carspaces:0, features:Water Views, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:2025, residences:200-299, apartmentstoreys:20-29, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments, propertytype:Apartments, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Guest User suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, amenities:Lounge Area, amenities:Terrace (Outdoor), beds:1, beds:2, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:1, features:City Views, features:Park Views, image:Render, privacy:Public, amenities:BBQ Facilities, amenities:Function Room, amenities:Vegetable Garden, amenities:Spa, amenities:Resident's Garden, amenities:Rooftop Terrace, beds:3, carspaces:0, features:Water Views, walkscore:91-100, regionvic:South, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, built:2025, residences:200-299, apartmentstoreys:20-29, travel:Tram 5-10 Mins Walk, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments, propertytype:Apartments, uiux:GSv8, modified:2024Q2 Guest User

The Canopy

272-280 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Starting from $471,000

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suburb:Southbank, suburbvic:Southbank, state:Victoria, walkscore:91-100, beds:2, beds:3, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, baths:3, carspaces:2, features:Penthouse, amenities:Gym, amenities:Game Room, amenities:Sun Terrace, amenities:Music Room, amenities:Rooftop Garden, amenities:Golf Simulator, amenities:Swimming Pool, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, propertytype:Apartments, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, amenities:Library, baths:4, carspaces:4, features:City Views, features:High Ceilings, image:Render, privacy:Public, created:2023Q1, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, apartmentstoreys:50+, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Pre Sales, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, regionvic:CBD, built:2031 Guest User suburb:Southbank, suburbvic:Southbank, state:Victoria, walkscore:91-100, beds:2, beds:3, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, baths:3, carspaces:2, features:Penthouse, amenities:Gym, amenities:Game Room, amenities:Sun Terrace, amenities:Music Room, amenities:Rooftop Garden, amenities:Golf Simulator, amenities:Swimming Pool, lga:Melbourne, lgavic:Melbourne, propertytype:Apartments, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, amenities:Library, baths:4, carspaces:4, features:City Views, features:High Ceilings, image:Render, privacy:Public, created:2023Q1, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, apartmentstoreys:50+, travel:Tram 0-5 Mins Walk, projectstatus:3 Development Application Granted, salesstatus:Pre Sales, salestype:Pre Sales Apartments, uiux:GSv8, modified:2025Q1, regionvic:CBD, built:2031 Guest User

Melbourne Square - Masterplan

93-119 Kavanagh Street, Southbank, VIC 3006

2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments, and Penthouse Options

Starting from $701,100

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suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, walkscore:81-90, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, amenities:Gym, amenities:Steam Room, amenities:Sauna, amenities:Playground, amenities:Yoga Space/Zen Zone, amenities:Running Track, amenities:Dining Area, features:City Views, features:Water Views, amenities:Golf Simulator, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, propertytype:Apartments, image:Render, privacy:Public, baths:3, baths:3.5, carspaces:3, carspaces:2, features:Park Views, featured:Yes, uiux:GSv8, regionvic:South, regionvic:West, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:West 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Train 0-5 Mins Walk, modified:2025Q1, built:2025, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments Guest User suburb:South Melbourne, suburbvic:South Melbourne, state:Victoria, walkscore:81-90, beds:1, beds:2, beds:3, baths:1, baths:2, carspaces:0, carspaces:1, amenities:Gym, amenities:Steam Room, amenities:Sauna, amenities:Playground, amenities:Yoga Space/Zen Zone, amenities:Running Track, amenities:Dining Area, features:City Views, features:Water Views, amenities:Golf Simulator, lga:Port Phillip, lgavic:Port Phillip, propertytype:Apartments, image:Render, privacy:Public, baths:3, baths:3.5, carspaces:3, carspaces:2, features:Park Views, featured:Yes, uiux:GSv8, regionvic:South, regionvic:West, regionvic:South 0-5km, regionvic:West 0-5km, regionvic:CBD 0-5km, residences:300+, apartmentstoreys:30-49, travel:Train 0-5 Mins Walk, modified:2025Q1, built:2025, projectstatus:5 Construction Commenced, salesstatus:Off The Plan, salestype:Off The Plan Apartments Guest User


253-273 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apartments

Starting from $540,000

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Melbourne Square - Stage 1

93-113 Kavanagh Street, Southbank, VIC 3006

2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments and Penthouse Options

Starting from $701,100

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