

Project Information

Site Address7 Mitchell Court, Glenroy, VIC 3046
PriceStarting from $565,000
Property TypeResidential Townhouses
Product Mix2 Bedroom Townhouses
Project StatusConstruction Complete
Estimated Completion Late 2020
Local Government AreaCity of Moreland


7 Mitchell Court Gallery

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Townhouses in 7 Mitchell Court Glenroy

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2 bedroom townhouses available

car parking

Customisable options available

car parking




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Location of 7 Mitchell Court

15km north from Melbourne CBD



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Top Frequently Asked Questions about 7 Mitchell Court

What onsite amenities have been planned at 7 Mitchell Court?

There are plans for onsite amenities at 7 Mitchell Court including a storage room.

What mixed used spaces have been planned at 7 Mitchell Court?

There are no plans for 7 Mitchell Court to include mixed use spaces.

How many car park spaces will be available at 7 Mitchell Court?

Townhouses at 7 Mitchell Court will generally include a car parking space.

How many bicycle spaces will be available at 7 Mitchell Court?

There are no plans for bicycle spaces at 7 Mitchell Court.

How many motorbike spaces will be available at 7 Mitchell Court?

There are no plans for motorbike spaces at 7 Mitchell Court.

What sort of internal sizes can be found at the 7 Mitchell Court residences?

What is the total site area of 7 Mitchell Court?

The total land or site area of 7 Mitchell Court is approximately 660m².

What is the address of 7 Mitchell Court?

The address of 7 Mitchell Court is 7 Mitchell Court, Glenroy, VIC 3046.

What is the starting price of residences at 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court offers residences with a starting price of $565,000.

What types of properties are available at 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court will be comprised entirely of residential townhouses.

What floor plan configurations are available at 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court will have options including:

  • 2 bed
  • 1 bath
  • 1 car park space

How many floor levels are there including the ground level at 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court has plans for townhouses with two floor levels including the ground level.

How many residences are there at 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court has plans to have a total of 3 townhouse residences.

What is the project status at 7 Mitchell Court?

Construction has completed at 7 Mitchell Court.

What is the estimated completion date of 7 Mitchell Court?

7 Mitchell Court completed construction late 2020.

Which suburb is 7 Mitchell Court located in?

7 Mitchell Court is located within the suburb of Glenroy in the state of Victoria.

Which Local Government Area is 7 Mitchell Court located in?

7 Mitchell Court is located within the City of Moreland.


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